Sura Korean BBQ

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[Korean] Seven Days - Thursday

Hello, all my friends!!! :)

Sorry that It's been long time to update our Korean language contents!!! lol

From today, we will teach you about seven days in Korean.

We are not updating this contents by same day, so don't confuse what day today is. :)

Ok, then... let's look at the picture below for 7 days first.

Easy~~!!! huh??? :)

As you can see above, you can put "요일" after "월, 화, 수, 목, 금, 토, 일".

So, simply "요일" means day.

Here is today's expression below with Sunday!! :)


We can translate this in two ways.

  1. I have meeting on Thursday.

  2. There is a meeting on Thursday.

We will look into the first one.

Words you need to know in this sentence is

~에 = to, on, at, for, and etc.(lol)
회의 = meeting
있다 = there is, have, etc.

목요일에 = on Thursday
회의 = meeting
있어요 = have
Here, we changed “있다" to “있어요" 
This is about honorifics.

There are some different ways to use honorifics, but we will show one of them in this post which is "........요."

All the verbs you are learning Korean from anywhere is finished with "다" such as "맛있다", "하다", "먹다", "가다", "자다".
Korean honorifics are using in verb with changing the ending as "요",  like 맛있어요, 해요, 먹어요, 가요, 자요, etc. 
About the honorifics, too, we will explain more details on later post.

You can refer to our previous link for more information.

Now, let's practice how to pronounce them with video below!! :)

See this content in the original post

I hope this video helps you to pronounce correctly.

If anyone wants to know some words or example sentences, feel free to comment below to let us make contents like this.

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See this gallery in the original post